tmux Cheat Sheet

A comprehensive guide to tmux, a terminal multiplexer that allows you to manage multiple terminal sessions within a single window. Ideal for managing long-running processes, organizing workspaces, and enhancing productivity.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Starting tmux
  3. Basic Commands
  4. Session Management
  5. Window Management
  6. Pane Management
  7. Customization
  8. Useful Tips & Tricks
  9. Common Use Cases


Ensure tmux is installed on your Ubuntu WSL environment.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install tmux

Verify installation:

tmux -V
# Example Output: tmux 3.2a

Starting tmux

Start a New Session


Start a New Session with a Name

tmux new -s mysession

Attach to an Existing Session

tmux attach -t mysession
# or
tmux a -t mysession

List All Sessions

tmux ls

Detach from Current Session

  • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + b then d

Basic Commands

tmux uses a prefix key (Ctrl + b by default) followed by a command key.

  • Prefix Key: Ctrl + b

Common Prefix Commands

Send prefix key to applicationCtrl + b then Ctrl + b
List key bindingsCtrl + b then ?
Reload configurationCtrl + b then : then type source-file ~/.tmux.conf

Session Management

Create a New Session

tmux new -s mysession

List Sessions

tmux ls

Attach to a Session

tmux attach -t mysession

Detach from Session

  • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + b then d

Kill a Session

tmux kill-session -t mysession

Rename a Session

  • Command: tmux rename-session -t oldname newname

Window Management

Each session can have multiple windows, akin to tabs.

Create a New Window

  • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + b then c

Switch to Next Window

  • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + b then n

Switch to Previous Window

  • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + b then p

Select Window by Number

  • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + b then <window-number>

    Example: Ctrl + b then 2 to switch to window 2.

Rename Current Window

  • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + b then ,

Close Current Window

  • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + b then &

Pane Management

Split windows into multiple panes for parallel tasks.

Split Horizontally

  • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + b then "

Split Vertically

  • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + b then %
  • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + b then arrow keys (, , , )

Resize Panes

  • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + b then : and type resize-pane -D / -U / -L / -R

    Alternatively, use Ctrl + b then Ctrl + arrow keys (if configured).

Close Current Pane

  • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + b then x

Swap Panes

  • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + b then o


Customize tmux behavior via the ~/.tmux.conf file.

Common Configurations

# Set prefix to Ctrl + a (optional)
# set-option -g prefix C-a
# unbind default prefix
# unbind C-b
# bind new prefix
# bind C-a send-prefix

# Enable mouse support
set -g mouse on

# Set window splitting shortcuts
bind | split-window -h
bind - split-window -v

# Reload config with prefix + r
bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display-message "Config Reloaded!"

# Enable vim-style pane switching
bind h select-pane -L
bind j select-pane -D
bind k select-pane -U
bind l select-pane -R

# Set status bar
set -g status-bg colour235
set -g status-fg colour136
set -g status-left '[: #S | #I:#W]'

Applying Configuration

After editing ~/.tmux.conf, reload it:

tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf

Useful Tips & Tricks

  • Copy Mode: Enter copy mode to navigate and copy text.

    • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + b then [
    • Exit Copy Mode: q or Esc
  • Search in Copy Mode:

    • Press / and type the search query.
  • Scroll Up/Down:

    • Use arrow keys or PgUp/PgDn in copy mode.
  • Synchronize Panes:

    • Execute the same command in all panes.
    • Command: Ctrl + b then :setw synchronize-panes on
  • Lock tmux Session:

    • Command: Ctrl + b then :lock-server
  • Display Current Key Bindings:

    • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + b then ?

Common Use Cases

Running Multiple Processes

Organize different processes in separate panes or windows.

# Window 1: Development server
tmux new -s dev
# Inside tmux
# Pane 1: Run server
python runserver

# Pane 2: Monitor logs
tail -f logs/server.log

Remote Workflows

Maintain persistent sessions across SSH connections.

# On remote server
tmux new -s remote
# Start long-running task

# Detach and disconnect
Ctrl + b then d

# Reattach later
tmux attach -t remote

Managing Git Operations

Use separate panes for editing, committing, and viewing status.

# Split window vertically
Ctrl + b then %

# Pane 1: Edit code

# Pane 2: Git status and commits
git status
git commit -m "Update"

Monitoring System Resources

Run monitoring tools alongside development.

# Split window horizontally
Ctrl + b then "

# Pane 1: Develop

# Pane 2: Monitor

Example Workflow

  1. Start a New Session:

    tmux new -s ai_project
  2. Create Windows:

    • Window 1: Code Editor

      • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + b then c
      • Commands:
    • Window 2: Terminal

      • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + b then c
      • Commands:
    • Window 3: Logs

      • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + b then c
      • Commands:
        tail -f logs/output.log
  3. Navigate Between Windows:

    • Next Window: Ctrl + b then n
    • Previous Window: Ctrl + b then p
    • Select Window by Number: Ctrl + b then 1, 2, 3, etc.
  4. Detach and Reattach:

    • Detach: Ctrl + b then d
    • Reattach: tmux attach -t ai_project


Glenn Matlin
Glenn Matlin
PhD, Machine Learning

My philosophy is basically this. And this is something that I live by. And I always have. And I always will. Don’t ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what. No matter… where. Or who, or who you are with, or, or where you are going, or… or where you’ve been… ever. For any reason, whatsoever.